On Wednesday, 8th May, Michael, a member of our Bridge House family, was honoured for his remarkable 70-year membership with the Catenians, a respected Catholic group of gentlemen. This special recognition marked a first in the group’s history, as Michael became the only member to achieve such a milestone.

The festivities unfolded in the cosy setting of our very own pub, where we hosted a delicious afternoon tea for Michael, his family, and about twenty guests, including fellow Catenian members. The event was not just a celebration of Michael’s dedication but also a heartfelt reunion of friends and family, who came together to honour his lifelong commitment to the group.

During the ceremony, Michael was awarded a medal, certificate, and scroll in recognition of his seven decades of service. These symbols of appreciation were presented amidst smiles and applause, creating a memorable moment for all who attended.

Michael and his daughters expressed how grateful they were to the team at Bridge House for organising such a such a wonderful gathering, which allowed them to share this significant achievement with loved ones. The warmth and happiness of the occasion were palpable, with every attendee feeling part of something truly special.

Michael now proudly displays his awards and medal in his room as a reminder of his dedication and the high regard in which he is held by his community. This visible tribute not only celebrates his 70 years with the Catenians but is also an inspiration to others, demonstrating the impact of commitment and the value of maintaining strong, supportive ties over a lifetime.

Congratulations Michael – it was a privilege to help you celebrate this incredible milestone!